On my journey of recovery I was challenged to embrace a
radical honesty, of sorts. It required
the quitting cold turkey of my conman ways, which was way more difficult than I
thought it would be! I learned very
quickly that the world loves liars. Even
more than the world loves liars, the church does.
We do, you know? We
love being lied to. Of course, if we
really examined this, we would never admit to the truth of it; but it is
true. We walk into our well maintained
buildings, with a smile on our face and a pleasant answer to every question of,
“How are you?” All the while our
families are falling apart and our boss is beating us down. We are burnt out, exhausted,
and addicted with no hope of recovery.
So we lie. Every Sunday, we put
our mask on and grasp at holiness, shattered silhouettes dreaming of
completion. And we are praised for how
well we fool one another. We love the liars.
Why? Why do we love the liars? Here are 3 reasons why I think we do:
<1> Authenticity creates vulnerability.
There is never a possibility for pain if you never take off
your armor. If you spend your life
hiding behind a plastic version of yourself then the real you never really gets
any wear and tear. We fear a broken
heart so we lie. We lie to ourselves and
say we don’t really care. We lie to
others and tell them that we’re OK. We lie
to God and tell Him we believe that He loves us. We lie because the truth is just too
painful. The rest of the world is
content with our lies because no one wants to be vulnerable. No one wants to face that hurt. We just push it into the darkest corner of
our hearts and push a plastic plant in front of it, hoping no one will see how
broken we really are.
<2> Authentic people always expose the dishonest.
This fact has become quite real to me over the past few
years. In a world of masks the person
who dares to take hers off will become an immediate threat to those who have
grown so attached to their own. It
becomes really easy to spot a counterfeit when it’s right next to something
genuine. When someone stands up and shares
their hurts and their struggles it becomes dangerous for those who so tightly clutch
their fabricated righteousness, and their false perfection is exposed for the
impossibility that it is. This is why
our conversations in the church scratch the surface of our behavior while our lives
fall apart behind the scenes.
<3> Authenticity is hard to control.
I loved being a conman because it gave me control. It allowed me to think I had some kind of say
in how my life would be. I was made to believe
for so long that God was angry with me, that he demanded impossible things from
me without ever giving me the ability to even begin to accomplish those
things. I decided if I couldn’t control
how God saw me I could definitely control how other people saw me. And I was right, lying, manipulation, psychoanalyzing
people, it all gave me some sort of control over how others saw me. None of those things changed the fact that I
was still a broken soul in bondage to my own beliefs. No one could help me because I made everyone believe
I was fine. We do that a lot, especially
in church, pretend we are fine. Honesty
is harder to reign in. It doesn’t sit
quietly in a pew and take notes. It jumps
up and says, “Hell, yeah!” at a great truth and dances to a powerful worship
song. Honesty isn’t afraid to disagree
with the pastor. Honesty is real, radical,
raw, and in your face. Honesty doesn’t
stay within the boundaries. That’s what
makes honesty so hard to embrace, really, we fear being out of control.

It all begins with honesty.
We must dare to be genuine, venture to authenticity, and risk taking off
our masks. Be confident in who Christ
has made you. Open your eyes to the
truth of God’s pleasure in you and let that ignite the desire to be honest with
those around you.
Dare to be out of control.
Very good, Now, if only I can be brave enough to speak the truth in love.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who tells you it's easy is full it, as for it being worth it... That it definitely is!